Hannah’s Home of South Florida helps homeless, single, pregnant women and their babies overcome adversity, find hope, and learn to live victoriously.
Our Mission
Our Vision
We want to see lives saved, hope restored and hearts transformed.
Our History
Over 20 years ago, our founder, Carol Beresford, was approached by a young woman who was pregnant, alone, and scared. She asked for food, yet at that moment, it was clear that she needed so much more than just a sandwich. Following that encounter, Carol dreamed of what “so much more” could be. She and her husband, Pastor Paul, sat together and scribbled ideas on a napkin. The dream was to build a safe haven for pregnant women in crisis. With the help of their community, Hannah’s Home was established in Mentor, Ohio in 2001. The home sits on a five-acre property and houses up to 23 residents.
Carol was soon called to build another location of Hannah’s Home, but in Tequesta, Florida. A three-acre property was acquired in 2009 and renovations began thanks to generous tradesmen who donated their services. In 2011, Hannah’s Home of South Florida opened its doors with room to house four resident mothers and babies. Since then, we have expanded our property to house eight residents.
Carol Beresford founded the first Hannah’s Home in Mentor, Ohio.
Carol was called to build another location of Hannah’s Home in Tequesta, Florida.
A three-acre property was acquired and the new Hannah’s Home location began renovations.
Hannah’s Home of South Florida opened its doors to house four resident mothers.
Hannah’s Home doubled in maximum capacity to house eight resident mothers.
Construction began on the New Life Chapel and Courtyard.
Our Program Emphasizes…
Spiritual Development
Daily devotionals, weekly pastoral counseling and church attendance, and mentoring
Academic Advancement
Pursuit of high school diploma/GED, college coursework, certifications, and tutoring
Career Coaching
Career coaching, resume writing, interview skills, and mentoring.
Life Skills Training
Online learning platform assignments, financial literacy, decision-making, and sexual integrity.
Parenting Skills
Healing harmful generational patterns, and equipping with healthy parenting skills.
Relationship Building
Building safe, trusted, uplifting relationships, and encouraging confidence.
Community Building
Experiencing and contributing to the abundant resources in our community.
Every resident receives their own fully furnished bedroom, stroller, and ability to personalize their space in order to feel at home.
At Hannah’s Home, we provide…
Room and board
Food and clothing
Maternity and baby supplies
Licensed weekday childcare
Prenatal care
Professional case management
Christian counseling
Medical and dental insurance
Driver’s license
High school diploma or GED
Career development
Private tutoring
Life skills training (parenting, nutrition, cooking, budgeting, etc.)
Weekly Bible studies
Morning devotionals
Volunteer opportunities