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Tache & Kacey

Tache graduated from our program the summer of 2020. During her stay, she purchased a car, started working and received a promotion to manager. Today, she is a bright young woman and mother raising her two beautiful boys, Keon and Kacey.

Jalisa & Mya

During her stay, Jalisa received her driver’s license, got a job, reunited with her mother, gave birth to baby Mya and graduated from our program. “I am thankful for Hannah’s Home. My time here has really helped me mature and grow,” she shared. Now a proud mother of three, Jalisa became the first alumna to exchange vows in our New Life Chapel the summer of 2023.

Brittney & Luke

Brittney entered our program homeless and apprehensive about being a single mother. Through Hannah’s Home, she obtained her driver’s license, high school diploma and employment. Today, she is a strong, confident, happily engaged woman and her son Luke is in the second grade. Brittney advises all young mothers at Hannah’s Home, “Work hard while you are there. Two years goes by way too fast!”

Jessica & Carter

Jessica entered our program worried about being a single mother. Today, she is an independent, confident, hardworking woman and her son Carter is two years old. “I thank God every day for Hannah’s Home. They help us be better mothers, women, and children of God,” Jessica shared.

Mackenzie & Alex

Mackenzie reluctantly came to Hannah’s Home. She quickly realized she could turn her life around and accomplish her dreams. Today, she is a commercial airline pilot pursuing her Master’s degree in psychology alongside her beautiful son, Alex.

Nina & Messiah

Nina was very productive with her time at Hannah’s Home. She completed our Positive Parenting Program and received her 40-hour teaching certificate. She now has two sons and works in merchandising. Nina often returns to Hannah’s Home and gives advice to our current resident mothers.

Erica & Ace

Erica came to Hannah’s Home uncertain of the future. At Hannah’s Home, she grew to understand her self worth, strengthened her relationship with God and her boyfriend who is now her husband. Today, she is a strong, hardworking mother of two sons running a business caring for pregnant women in a holistic way.

Darling & Layla

Darling thrived in our program. She earned her high school diploma after being out of school for four years, got a full-time job at Walmart requiring her to train all deli employees, earned a full scholarship at Florida Career College, received a Medical Assistant certification, remained top of her class, and gave birth to beautiful baby Layla. She is now a mother of two daughters.

Ashley & Levi

Ashley got her driver’s license, earned her GED, received her Certified Nursing Assistant certification, found employment in her field, and had sweet baby Levi—all during our two-year residence program.

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